03 October 2016
Children with Dyslexia and Autism Can Still Succeed
KOMPAS.com - Students with special needs, such as children with autism and dyslexia, are not yet receive adequate educational services. As quoted from kemendikbud.go.id on 2015, there were only 164,000 (10-11%) of 1.6 million children with special needs received educational services, which made them difficult to choose a school with the right education portion.
The problem started from parents. They directly enrolled the children to the international school when they find out that they were diagnosed with dyslexia or autism. In fact, children with these conditions should not be taught foreign languages at first, said Sumarsono, CEO & Founder of Elite Tutors Indonesia, Wednesday (07/09/2016).
Sumarsono said that students with special needs should learn in schools that use a single language at first. They should also train with their native language consistently at home, school, or their playground to help them absorb the knowledge later.
Students with special needs may also opt for inclusive schools where they can learn together with other students whose they may take as role models and motivate them to optimize their potential.
Still, as reported by Kompas.com on 4/15/2012, some inclusive schools teachers are not qualified to meet the requirements to teach the students. However, special training of educational methods for students with special needs for the teachers will solve the problem.
The main point is never force the children to enter a formal school if they are not ready for it. Make sure they do not have problems of cognitive ability and behavior, and is able to follow the demands of school.
According to Adriana S. Gina, a child developmental psychologist, parents must be observant to the enrollment of such children to formal schools since they often face bullying from their friends just for being different.
She also said that the number of students in inclusive schools is not ideal which caused the teaching is not optimal. Ideally, one class may only consist of 20 pupils, not 40 pupils.
Private Learning
Parents often choose private educational institution or home schooling to meet the children academic needs.
However home schooling tends to limit the children social life. Children should be encouraged to socialize while taught with adaptation skill,” said Sumarsono. Therefore, it is better for the children to learn in school together with fellow students of their age.
Parents may also choose special program for children with mild autism and dyslexia from private tutoring company such as Elite Tutors Indonesia. The program is tailored to the children capabilities and avoid stress.
The special program usually will refers the students to an autism and dyslexia medical center to get clinical recommendations related to the children academic ability. The tutoring team then will create tailor-made programs to meet with the children needs based on the clinical recommendations.
The tutoring program period is tailored to the learners needs. For example, the tutoring is conduct until the learners can read fluently before letting them self-sufficiently. In addition, the number of learners are also considered.
We also have provisions to accept learners in a limited number, about five learners per year with each of learner is addressed personally, without a class method, to let the tutor better focus on the learner.
The tutors are selected based on extensive teaching experience to ensure that the learners can be educated according to their needs and develop their potentials and are expected to achieve success as other normal children through proper treatment.