Dr. Eng. Sumarsono, ST., MT., OCPSumarsono, most of the clients called him as “Kak Sono”, was born on 1987. He earned Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) certification in 2008, a bachelor’s degree/Sarjana Teknik (ST) and a master’s degree/Magister Teknik (MT) in industrial engineering from the University of Indonesia in 2009 and 2011 respectively. He awarded with a Doctor of Engineering degree (Dr. Eng.) in 2016 from the Department of System Cybernetics of Hiroshima University, Japan. His doctoral study was fully funded by Japan most prestigious scholarship donor, Hitachi Global Foundation. He has more than 10 years of experience in top tutoring business who provides tutoring services to many high profile clients from governmental institutions or private companies in Indonesia. In addition, since 2009 until present, he is working as an assistant professor in Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Indonesia. Since 2016, he was also appointed as visiting lecturer for basic science, statistics, simulation, and supply chain engineering in the Department of Industrial Engineering of Swiss German University.
Membership of
- Professional member of International Dyslexia Association USA
- Official member of National Tutoring Association USA

Luky A. Lusgiantoro, ST., M. Sc., Ph.D.Luky A. Yusgiantoro is currently serving as the Vice President Management Representative of SKK Migas (Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities, Republic of Indonesia) and has been in the organization since 2010. Prior to working for SKK Migas, he worked in the Gas State-owned Company from 2000. He is currently an associate professor in the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and is a founder of Planet Inovasi Foundation. He earned his Ph.D. in Mineral and Energy Economics from Colorado School of Mines, Colorado, USA in 2010 and completed his Education Regular Program from The National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia (Lemhannas) in 2013. He has been invited in many seminars on energy sector and involved in studies by Indonesian National Energy Board.

Anita Sukarman, ST., MBA.Anita Sukarman is currently working for a financial institution in Jakarta and has had 20 years of experiences as an analyst/researcher in various areas including financial analysis, strategic planning, statistics, and information systems. She was also involved in training and teaching programs both inside and outside the institution. She graduated from the Bandung Institute of Technology majoring in Industrial Engineering/Sarjana Teknik (ST) and earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, USA. The mother of two has always had a passion in educational activities especially to help Indonesian youth in becoming professional leaders who have integrity, compassion, and conscience, while upholding the Indonesian values to take 21st century challenge.

Chief Operating Officer
Indra Sucipto, SEIndra Sucipto was born on 1988. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting/Sarjana Ekonomi (SE) from Indonesia Banking School on 2012. He started his professional career as an internal auditor at PT Catur Sentosa Adiprana. Prior to joining our C-Suite, he worked as risk management and controller at PT Amerta Indah Otsuka.