26 September 2016
Keep the Teacher’s Passion if You Want to Forward Education!

KOMPAS.com- “Teachers are role models for their students,” said CEO & Founder of Elite Tutors Indonesia, Sumarsono, on Thursday (16/09/2016). Teachers are not only responsible for the delivery of knowledge but also act as role models. Unfortunately, you still can hear teachers’ lamented over their prosperity until today.
The issue was emerged on the agenda of the Third National Working Conference of the Indonesian Teachers Association in January 2016. Some of the emerged issues were the delayed allowances, the allowance requirements, the complicated promotion process, the functional post and the little part-time teachers’ revenue, and uneven special allowance.
In fact, the teacher's responsibility is not small. The ratio of teachers and students are often unbalanced. There are moral and ethical demands attached to the figure of a teacher. For that, a teacher must constantly improve his/her quality and personality.
Be a teacher whose presence is always been waiting by learners because of the interesting teaching methods,said Sumarsono. He added that teachers should also ensure whether his/her students had been ready to take the subject material in order for effective teaching.
Sumarsono is not agree if teacher should be the unsung hero. However, the government or stakeholders should increase teachers prosperity to keep them motivated and self-developed.
The more teacher develop his/her self, the more he/she will get the most out of teaching, so that students will be evolved too, said Sumarsono. Today education is too focus on the dedication as if the noble profession of a teacher makes him/her does not need to prosper.
(However), I emphasize, do not merely ask for a high income, but (a teacher must) elevate themselves,he said.
Teachers must also continue to increase their competence to be worthy of the high income including studying the issues that developed in the education field and how to deal with particular students.
Well, how teachers could develop themselves if they are still thinking of what is for the dinner tomorrow? What kind of education that would be built by teachers who are not prosperous? asked Sumarsono.
Therefore, Sumarsono always ensures Elite Tutors Indonesia tutors get a decent income and live a prosperous life. He also ensures the quality of the Company tutors.
Teachers should have two main qualities: academic backgrounds and charming personality,he stated. Learners will be difficult to receive knowledge from inconsistent teacher whose daily behavior is in contrary to his/her teachings. Sumarsono also built an evaluation system where the result is reported to parents along with program development data.
And so, the teachers will be eager to teach and learn,he said.
Passion is also an important thing in educational process. Teachers who have high passion to educate will automatically have empathy for their students. By itself, the teacher will be thinking that learners’ success is their success too. The students will also be thinking in such.
Again, the passion cannot be separated with prosperity. Sumarsono analogize, passion without prosperity is like driving a car without refueling gasoline.(If that so) just wait for the broke down,he stated.